I suppose the beginning I'm referring to here is really not the beginning at all. Here, the beginning is our wedding. Our relationship began far before we ever walked down the aisle and every year brings it's own unique memories as we reflect on our time together. But it is this week every year that we take time to remember our wedding and all of the good times that surrounded that magical day. Yes, I did say week. First of all, you should know that nearly all of our holidays are celebrated for a minimum of one week! There is just too much fun to be had to cram festivities into a single day. When we celebrate, we celebrate! Our anniversary is generally celebrated for a week because we were married on the Fourth of July, primarily for the long weekend that made for easy travel and for the free fireworks show it would provide us at our reception. These days, the Fourth of July is a friends and family affair with backyard barbeques, boat rides on the lake and sparklers, but we always make time to celebrate just the two of us as well.

Our wedding was undoubtedly light-hearted and filled with fun. Erik and I decided to have our wedding on the shores of Lake Michigan--a Midwest destination wedding, if you will. Luckily, the weather was perfect and everything went off without a hitch.
While building our website, I've been leafing through all of our pictures; memories from childhood, high school, college and our wedding come rushing in. The unfortunate thing--we can't share everything! At times, I wish I could just sprawl out on the floor and go through our photo boxes with those that are trying to get to know us. We could laugh, talk and begin to make a real connection and maybe even find ourselves making that special connection. At this point, we can't, but someday we might.
Still, today I can't help but share more photos from our wedding than I know I will be able to include on our website! Pictures of the setting with the gentle waves and the towering lighthouse, of my adorable nieces and nephews, and the pictures that simply capture the pure joy of that day and the smiles and laughs that were shared are all too precious not to share!

Of course, I also can't resist sharing these today because it just makes me smile looking at all of these images. And it makes me smile to know whole-heartedly that the love we had during those years of falling in love, the love we had on that day is still with us today as strong as it once was, if not stronger.
This year, celebrating our anniversary seems even more significant as we return to one of our favorite restaurants. The restaurant, in fact, where we first discussed the idea of adoption. By candlelight, we talked about what it would mean for our family, how it is already something close to our hearts with my (Suzy's) adopted sister. Yes, candlelight always makes for unforgettable images, but I can honestly say that it is an image, a feeling and a moment that I will always carry in my heart.

Yes, this was the beginning. But there's another way to think of it--this was just the beginning. Tonight while we dine by candlelight, we will undoubtedly be discussing all that is to come for our family. It is an exciting and nerve-racking time not knowing exactly what the future holds. It is a promising and even scary time for all involved, to be sure. For this whole process brings such great hope, yet such great apprehension no matter which side you are on.
Tonight we will be thinking of ourselves and what we will do as we wait for our family to begin to grow. Yet, we will also be thinking about everyone else involved in adoptions, hoping that all expectant parents and families are finding the help and support they need throughout this process.
Here's to a happy Fourth of July and a week of celebrations; to reflecting on your love, gaining strength together and sharing your laughter with the world; to candlelight dinners and the power of memories. Here's to love, however it finds you.

Our wedding was undoubtedly light-hearted and filled with fun. Erik and I decided to have our wedding on the shores of Lake Michigan--a Midwest destination wedding, if you will. Luckily, the weather was perfect and everything went off without a hitch.
While building our website, I've been leafing through all of our pictures; memories from childhood, high school, college and our wedding come rushing in. The unfortunate thing--we can't share everything! At times, I wish I could just sprawl out on the floor and go through our photo boxes with those that are trying to get to know us. We could laugh, talk and begin to make a real connection and maybe even find ourselves making that special connection. At this point, we can't, but someday we might.
Still, today I can't help but share more photos from our wedding than I know I will be able to include on our website! Pictures of the setting with the gentle waves and the towering lighthouse, of my adorable nieces and nephews, and the pictures that simply capture the pure joy of that day and the smiles and laughs that were shared are all too precious not to share!

Of course, I also can't resist sharing these today because it just makes me smile looking at all of these images. And it makes me smile to know whole-heartedly that the love we had during those years of falling in love, the love we had on that day is still with us today as strong as it once was, if not stronger.
This year, celebrating our anniversary seems even more significant as we return to one of our favorite restaurants. The restaurant, in fact, where we first discussed the idea of adoption. By candlelight, we talked about what it would mean for our family, how it is already something close to our hearts with my (Suzy's) adopted sister. Yes, candlelight always makes for unforgettable images, but I can honestly say that it is an image, a feeling and a moment that I will always carry in my heart.

So here is our wedding in pictures. The smiles, the laughs, the joy that filled that day.
These images are filled with priceless memories. Still, as we look at each picture, we remind ourselves that this was the beginning.

Yes, this was the beginning. But there's another way to think of it--this was just the beginning. Tonight while we dine by candlelight, we will undoubtedly be discussing all that is to come for our family. It is an exciting and nerve-racking time not knowing exactly what the future holds. It is a promising and even scary time for all involved, to be sure. For this whole process brings such great hope, yet such great apprehension no matter which side you are on.
Tonight we will be thinking of ourselves and what we will do as we wait for our family to begin to grow. Yet, we will also be thinking about everyone else involved in adoptions, hoping that all expectant parents and families are finding the help and support they need throughout this process.
Here's to a happy Fourth of July and a week of celebrations; to reflecting on your love, gaining strength together and sharing your laughter with the world; to candlelight dinners and the power of memories. Here's to love, however it finds you.
Bon Appétit!
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